Article | Issues of Proving Criminal Offenses Related to the Interference with Information Systems |
Authors |
graduate student of the Department of Criminal and Legal Policy and Criminal Law of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 9 / 2023 |
Pages | 159 - 167 |
Annotation | This article examines the problems of proving crimes in the field of interference in information systems. It is noted that it is criminal influence on information systems or their criminal use that gives grounds for determining that computer information, due to its location on computer equipment, receives the status of a source of evidence. The results of criminal influence on computer information (leakage, loss, forgery, blocking of computer information, violation of the established order of its routing, change, destruction, blocking of computer information or computer the system should be evaluated through computer forensics. As a conclusion, it is emphasized that it is necessary to take into account the experience of European countries and to adjust and expand the disposition of articles taking into account the order of searching and identifying potential vulnerabilities of information (automated), electronic communication, information and communication systems, electronic communication networks, to improve the methodology of conducting examinations taking into account technological of today’s possibilities, to make changes to the criminal and criminal procedural code regarding the determination of international jurisdiction for crimes in the field of interference in computer and information systems.
Keywords | computer crime; computer forensic expertise; computer information; information |
References | Bibliography
Authored books 1. Klymchuk M, Komissarchuk Yu, Marko S, Stetsyk B, Sudova komp’iuterno-tekhnichna ekspertyza u kryminalnomu provadzhenni: navchalnyi posibnyk (Lvivskyi derzhavnyi universytet vnutrishnikh sprav 2022) (in Ukrainian).
Journal articles 2. Pashniev D, ‘Vlastyvosti komp’iuternoi informatsii yak predmetu zlochynu’ (2012) 1 Visnyk Kryminolohichnoi asotsiatsii Ukrainy: zbirnyk naukovykh prats 115–25 (in Ukrainian). 3. Potapov S, Potapova I, ‘Ispol’zovanie jekspertiz pri rassledovanii i raskrytii prestuplenij, sovershennyh s primeneniem sotovyh telefonov’ [2016] 11 (11) Social’nojekonomicheskie processy i javlenija 157 (in Russian). 4. Shelupanov A, Smolina A, ‘Metodika provedenija podgotovitel’noj stadii issledovanija pri proizvodstve komp’juterno-tehnicheskoj jekspertizy’ [2016] 19 (1) Doklady TUSURa 31–4 (in Russian).
Conference papers 5. Klymchuk M, ‘Slidy kryminalnykh pravoporushen, uchynenykh iz vykorystanniam zasobiv stilnykovoho zv’iazku, y osoblyvosti yikh vyiavlennia’ v Aktualni pytannia vyiavlennia ta rozkryttia zlochyniv Natsionalnoiu politsiieiu: vitchyznianyi ta zarubizhnyi dosvid: materialy Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. kruhloho stolu (NAVS 2020) 86 (in Ukrainian).
Websites 6. Khavroniuk M, ‘Vtruchannia v robotu informatsiino-komunikatsiinykh system: kryminalna vidpovidalnist’ (29.04.2022) <> (accessed: 17.09.2023) (in Ukrainian).
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