Article | On the Issue of the Concept of Graphic Identification of Participants of Civil-law Relations |
Authors |
PhD student at Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law (Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine)
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 9 / 2023 |
Pages | 168 - 178 |
Annotation | Identification of participants of civil-law relations, to one degree or another, is present in the dynamics of probably all civil legal relations. At the same time, due to the principles of discretion, free expression of will and legal equality of participants, for civil legal relations, in contrast to public branches of law, detailed identification of their participants is not so important. After all, in many cases it is enough to at least establish whether such legal relations correspond to the extent of legal capacity and legal capacity of the subject, his subjective civil rights and the established restrictions on their exercise (for example, small household transactions). It also promotes the use in civil legal relations not only of traditional means of identification, such as the name and passport data for an individual, name and registration data for a legal entity, but also easy-to-perceive, easytoremember graphic objects (logo, corporate colors for a legal entity, an avatar for an individual). This, in turn, poses the task of researching the identification of participants of civil-law relations with the help of such graphic objects (“graphic identification”). The purpose of the article is to formulate the definition of the concept of “graphic identification of a participant of civil-law relations” based on the analysis of scientific studies of related concepts and their providing by the law. The article proposes a definition of the concept of “graphic identification of a participant of civil-law relations”, which means the identity of a participant of civil-law relations (his activity or an object that belongs to him) by means of a graphic display of signs that individualize such a participant and derivatives thereof (means of graphic identification), on a material or electronic form, which is used to establish the conformity (belonging) of an object (behavior) to a specific subject.
Keywords | identification; identification of a participant of civil-law relations; graphic identification; graphic identification of a participant of civil-law relations |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Orel L, Indyvidualizatsiini prava yurydychnykh osib (Interservis 2017) (in Ukrainian). 2. Stefanchuk R, Osobysti nemainovi prava fizychnykh osib (poniattia, zmist, systema, osoblyvosti zdiisnennia ta zakhystu) (KNT 2007) (in Ukrainian).
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