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Article Corporate (Compliance) Culture of the Organization: Theoretical Legal Aspects and War Challenges

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor, ssociate Professor The Department of Economic Law and Economic Justice of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) Researcher ID: ABC-4279-2021 ORCID ID: 



Postgraduate student of the Department of Economic Law and Economic Justice of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2023
Pages 63 - 83

The relevance of the conducted research is determined by the need to reform the corporate culture, modernize the legal tools of organization of economic activity, and comply them with international standards.

The purpose of this article is to study the essence of corporate culture and its correlation with the category of “compliance culture”, to identify the problems of effective implementation of compliance, and to formulate separate proposals for their solution, in particular, in the context of the war challenges.

The article provides the author’s definition of the concepts of “corporate culture” and “compliance culture” based on the analysis of international standards on compliance, principles of corporate governance developed by the OECD, valid legislation acts of Ukraine, and special scientific literature. The article studies the correlation between these legal categories.

The authors have analysed in detail the sources of formation of corporate culture, the general and special principles on the basis of which it is formed.

The research pays considerable attention to the study of such an element of the formation of the company’s corporate culture, and, accordingly, of compliance, as the will of top management (“tone at the top”).

The article systematizes approaches to the “transparent” conduct of economic activity, which are necessary for the formation of corporate (compliance) culture.

The research studies the problem of compliance risks of business entities in the conditions of martial law. The authors develop the recommendations for the corporatemanagement bodies of enterprises regarding the management of the aforementioned risks using compliance procedures.

In the conclusions, based on the results of the conducted research, the article defines the concept of corporate culture as a set of values, principles, ethical rules and sustainable practices of the organization, the observance of which is expected from its employees, management bodies and other stakeholders and which make it possible to predict their professional behaviour in critical situations. The article provides the definition of the concept of compliance culture.

The authors specified the role of corporate (compliance) culture in building an effective compliance system. The article summarizes the main problems in ensuring corporate culture as a necessary amplifier of compliance practices in the conditions of martial law.


Keywords corporate culture; compliance culture; business entity; corporate governance; enterprise; martial law; compliance risk; compliance system


Authored books

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Journal articles

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Conference papers

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Newspaper articles

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