Article | Participation in the Formation of War Propaganda Policy as a Basis of International Legal Responsibility |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, chief researcher Department of International Tax Competition Research Research Institute of Fiscal Policy University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (Irpen, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of International Law of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of the State Tax University (Irpin, Ukraine)
candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical work (international activities) of the West Ukrainian National University (Ternopil, Ukraine) ORCID ID: |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 1 / 2024 |
Pages | 55 - 68 |
Annotation | In today’s world, the influence of war propaganda on the peace and security of mankind is serious. The qualification of war propaganda as a crime is extremely difficult. It is characterized by the uncertainty of the causal relationship with its negative consequences. The relevance of this research topic has increased significantly in connection with the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Aggressive actions on the battlefield by the Russian Federation and the support of these actions by broad sections of the Russian population were largely facilitated by the systematic and massive propaganda of the war in the Russian mass media. Scientific research lacks unity in understanding the general phenomenon of war propaganda and the grounds for criminal prosecution. The reason for the controversy lies in the multi-vector nature and legal ambiguity of this phenomenon. Currently, there is no agreed definition of the term “propaganda”, particularly in the context of military propaganda, both in national and international law. Now the doctrinal study of the phenomenon of war propaganda acquires a new meaning and requires the transformation of traditional approaches. Taking into account the peculiarities of the subject of this study, war propaganda should be qualified not only as a crime, but as a special criminal-legal and socio-political phenomenon. This will make it possible to determine the features of the mechanism of its manifestation, genesis, implementation and impact on the final audience. Socio-political realities caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the waging of war against the Ukrainian people significantly change the main trends and goals of research into the phenomenon of war propaganda. War propaganda turns into a means of war itself. Propaganda takes on new forms, having extremely destructive consequences for society. The purpose of the study is to analyze the category “war propaganda”, to define war propaganda as an international criminal offense. As well as highlighting the grounds of international legal responsibility of propagandists. As a result of the study, the following conclusions were made. 1. Propaganda of war is the dissemination of views, facts, arguments and other information in any form, including those that are known to be false. For the purpose of inciting domestic and foreign racial, religious, national enmity. It is aimed at inciting military conflicts or aggressive actions. 2. Propaganda of war as an international criminal offense can be defined as a systematic information activity aimed at preparing or justifying military conflicts that violate international norms, in particular regarding peace, security and human rights. This type of propaganda can include spreading false information, manipulating public opinion, and using provocations and threats to incite hostile actions. 3. In international criminal law, in order to recognize the propaganda of war as a crime, it is necessary to prove the intention to provoke military actions or exacerbate international conflicts through the systematic manipulation of information. The question of the definition and qualification of war propaganda in international criminal law is a subject of discussion and legal debate. To date, there is no single convention norm that clearly defines this type of crime. 4. The basis for the international legal responsibility of propagandists is control over the formation of war propaganda policy. As well as encouraging, inciting and spreading hatred, mistrust and enmity on political, racial, ethnic or religious grounds. As well as participation in the formation and implementation of the national ideology of war propaganda.
Keywords | international legal responsibility; International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia; Nuremberg Tribunal; war propaganda |
References | Bibliography Authored books 1. Kearney M, The prohibition of propaganda for war in international law (Oxford University Press 2007). 2. Zelinska N, Dromina-Volok N, Mizhnarodne kryminalne pravo: navch.-metod. posibnyk (Feniks 2008).
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