Article | Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in a State of War: An Organizational and Legal Analysis |
Authors |
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Private Law State Higher Educational Institution Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Educational and Scientific Institute "(Kyiv, Ukraine) ) ORCID ID: |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 2 / 2024 |
Pages | 136 - 142 |
Annotation | The COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020, and the subsequent full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24, 2022, have led to a change in the lives of the entire country and caused a devastating blow to the Ukrainian economy. The war has had a significant impact on small and medium-sized businesses, which are currently in the most difficult conditions due to the inability to fully carry out their activities due to significant damage, losses, etc., as they are the least protected link in the market. The forced cessation of activities of small and medium-sized enterprises has led to negative, destructive consequences, which have provoked mass bankruptcies, a rapid increase in unemployment, an increase in the level of losses, which, in turn, has led to a decrease in budget revenues at all levels, a decrease in investment processes, etc. Therefore, at present, ensuring proper legal regulation of small and medium-sized businesses in a state of war is becoming even more relevant, as business activity is becoming the basis for the formation of national defense interests . This is why there is a need to study small and medium-sized businesses in a state of war through the prism of organizational and legal analysis. This article examines small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine in a state of war through organizational and legal analysis.
Keywords | small and medium-sized enterprises; small and medium-sized business; business activity; martial law |
References | Bibliography Journal articles 1. Pankova L, Hutsaliuk O, ‘Pidpryiemnytska diialnist v umovakh voiennoho stanu’ (2023) 6 Yurydychnyi naukovyi elektronnyi zhurnal 222. 2. Prokhorenko M, ‘Pravove rehuliuvannia hospodarskoi diialnosti ta hospodarskykh vidnosyn v osoblyvyi period’ [2016] 2 (39) Yurydychnyi visnyk 154. 3. Yarmolenko V, ‘Stan ta shliakhy rozvytku maloho i serednoho biznesu v umovakh nevyznachenosti’ (2023) 8 Naukovyi visnyk Lotnoi akademii. Seriia: Ekonomika, menedzhment ta pravo 59–60.
Websites 4. Analiz aktualnoho stanu ta propozytsii shchodo pokrashchennia umov dlia pidpryiemnytstva v Ukraini (Career Hub, 30.08.2022) <> (accessed: 24.01.2024). 5. Ekspres-otsinka vplyvu viiny na mikro-, mali ta seredni pidpryiemstva v Ukraini. Analitychnyi zvit (Prohrama rozvytku OON v Ukraini 2022) 13 < sites/g/files/zskgke326/files/2022-10/UA_Rapid_Assessment_of_War_on_MSMEs_in_ Ukraine_0.pdf> (accessed: 24.01.2024).
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