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Article International Compensation Mechanism as an Instrument of Implementing Russia’s International Legal Responsibility for Damage Resulted from its Armed Aggression Against Ukraine

Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor at the International Law Chair Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID: AAS-3062-2020

Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 2 / 2024
Pages 61 - 75

The creation and operation of an international compensation mechanism for Ukraine in the context of the international legal responsibility of russia as an aggressor state is one of the most discussed topics, which is extremely important for our country in view of the amount of damage caused and the perspective of post-war reconstruction, and at the same time, it is quite complex and debatable in view of the existence of a whole complex of unresolved and controversial issues.

The purpose of our research is to reveal the components of the international compensation mechanism for Ukraine as an instrument of implementing russia’s international legal responsibility for the damage caused by its armed aggression against our state, paying special attention to the most problematic issues of its creation and functioning.

It was established that such a compensation mechanism should: 1) be created in accordance with the norms of international law; 2) have an organizational structure that would correspond to its tasks; 3) to clearly define the temporal, subject, personal and territorial jurisdiction of the created bodies; 4) provide reliable sources of funding for payments to claimants; 5) ensure an effective system of enforce ment of relevant decisions.

Each international compensation mechanism was created to settle certain conflict situations associated with causing mass damage and had its own peculiarities. The uniqueness of such a mechanism for Ukraine is determined by a number of factors, namely: it must be created before the end of the war, the future treaty on its establishment must solve not only the issue of the international legal responsibility of russia, but also the problem of overcoming its immunities, it is possible for Ukraine to launch the mechanism without prior consent of the aggressor state – in the form of countermeasures as a response to the scale of the damage caused and the seriousness of violations of international law. The main source of funding for the mechanism should be the confiscated assets of the aggressor state, which were frozen at the beginning of the armed conflict in Ukraine and abroad, as well as the property of sanctioned persons involved in the commitment of international crimes.


Keywords international law; international compensation mechanism; damage; responsibility; armed conflict; aggression


Edited books

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Journal articles

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Conference papers

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