Article | The Phenomenon of Legal Indifference in the Public Space: Fundamentalism of Manifestation and Avoidance on the Basis of State-Creating Patriotism of Nation |
Authors |
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Public administration and Business management Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
PhD (Law), Lawyer (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 2 / 2024 |
Pages | 109 - 124 |
Annotation | The manifestation of indifference has a specific meaning in the formation of balanced legal relations between people, because through it (that is, without taking any actions), under the appropriate dynamic synergism, the imbalance and demarcation of the traditional life values of the community and the loss of universal human qualities accumulated over millennia (in particular, empathy or threat to life). Thus, at the current stage in Ukraine’s tough struggle with the aggressor state, indifference leads to a decrease in collective income from specific people and states. Objectively, a purposeful consideration of the fundamentalism of the manifestation of indifference in the social system and its logical involvement in the specification of individual articles of legal science is expedient. Indifference in the legal field is, unfortunately, a prerequisite for changing value orientations and accumulating greater evil. The purpose of the article: to identify and distinguish the fundamental essence of the phenomenon of legal indifference in the public space and the role of the nation’s state-creating patriotism in changes in it at various levels; outlining its basic principles and tasks, based on the needs of making balanced decisions in peacetime and wartime periods. For the first time, it was discovered and substantiated that the phenomenon of legal indifference is associated with the open (conscious or intentional) absence of a person (or community) of any interest, attention or responsibility regarding the direct consideration of basic legal provisions or norms in the specific context of human activity (group of persons) in public space. It is emphasized that people’s indifference due to attempts to pass by when attacking an outsider additionally stimulates attackers and aggressors to even more dangerous and criminal intentions, moving to the state level. In particular, at the state level, its legal indifference is manifested in insufficient control over compliance with laws and response to legal violations, or insufficient application of justice. At the same time, state-creating patriotism at the state level includes the creation and provision of an effective justice system, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as compliance by the state with its own laws and international obligations. It is substantiated that state-creating patriotism at the level of a citizen manifests itself in active participation in public life and compliance with legal norms, while at the state level it manifests itself in the implementation and protection of legal institutions to ensure justice and law and order. It is highlighted that the state of war becomes the limit of legal indifference, as it focuses attention on the duty of the citizen and significantly affects the constitutional rights and dignity of a person. State-creating patriotism of nation brings a person out of a state of legal indifference, i.e. neglect and loss of interest in the needs of others, preserving the universal priority of respect and development. It is emphasized that the problem of the manifestation of the phenomenon of legal indifference should be purposefully considered both in the legislative field of Ukraine and international law. It is proved that attention to the phenomenon of right-wing indifference, in addition to purely rational legal aspects, also has a pragmatic side, that is, a specific financial dimension. Thus, a change of only 1 % of the level of the shadow economy of the world, due to purposeful limitation and avoidance of the manifestation of the phenomenon of legal indifference, will additionally allow to receive up to 100 billion US dollars in tax revenues for state budgets.
Keywords | law; manifestation of indifference; phenomenon of legal indifference; strategyology; martial law; state-creative patriotism of nation; citizens; responsibility |
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