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Article On Documenting Violations of the Rights of Prisoners of War
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2024
Pages 60 - 72

The effectiveness of mechanisms for implementing the norms of international humanitarian law regarding the observance of the rights of military prisoners depends not only on the motivation of citizens to protect their homeland but also on the ability of participants in armed conflicts to recover after the war. States that cannot protect the rights and freedoms of their citizens are at risk of losing their subjectivity. In modern conditions, when belonging to a political nation is determined mainly on a civil basis, it is not difficult to predict the strengthening of migration processes “under the protection” of subjects of international law who can avoid the consequences of the impending global crisis of changing the world order.

Despite the co-approved rules of coexistence and the efforts of international organizations to comply with them, the principles and norms of international humanitarian law and human rights are constantly violated. The stunning, tragic 20th century not only did not remain in the memory of most world leaders but also gave rise to many revanchist dictators who today pose a threat to the entire free world. In the context of the growing number of military conflicts, the use of the latest types of weapons of mass destruction, and the emergence of new hybrid threats of “controlled chaos” based on artificial intelligence and other high-tech and poorly researched tools, wars are becoming increasingly destructive, unpredictable content. Considering the manipulative and speculative attitude of the Russian Federation to the requirements of international humanitarian law, it is of great importance to solve the problem of protecting the rights of prisoners of war and mechanisms for documenting and bringing to justice subjects of relevant criminal offenses.

The current effectiveness of law enforcement of international humanitarian law is considered. The most promising areas of documenting war crimes and recording violations of the rights of prisoners of war are studied. The existing problems that stood in the way of punishing the aggressor are outlined. The most potential ways of bringing to justice for war crimes are analyzed. The list of amendments and additions that Ukrainian legislation requires for successfully applying the Istanbul Protocol has been defined.


Keywords scope of rights of prisoners of war under international humanitarian law; Geneva Conventions, Istanbul Protocol, documenting of war crimes


Authored books

  1. Myronova V, Problemy kryminalnoi vidpovidalnosti za porushennia zakoniv i zvychaiv viiny (Pravo 2007).


Edited books

  1. Harasymiv O, Marko S, Riashko O, ‘Iak pokaraty voiennykh zlochyntsiv v Ukraini: mekhanizmy vidnovlennia spravedlyvosti’ v Stratonov V (ed), Military offences and war crimes: background, theory and practice (Baltija Publishing 2023).


Journal articles

  1. 3. Voitsikhovskyi A, Bakumov O, Ustymenko O, Marchuk M, ‘The Legal Mechanisms of Ensuring Regional Cooperation in Combatting Crime Within the Framework of the Council of Europe: Experience of Ukraine’ [2019] 13 (1) The Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 138–60.


Newspaper articles

4. Abramovych O, ‘Sprava za pozovom Ukrainy u Mizhnarodnomu sudi OON: chomu sud u Haazi ne pro vchynennia Rosiieiu henotsydu’ (Radio Svoboda, 17.09.2023) <https://www. html> (accessed: 31.01.2024).

5. Nazarchuk I, ‘20 rokiv nabuttia chynnosti Rymskoho statutu. Chy ye problemoiu, shcho Ukraina dosi yoho ne ratyfikuvala?’ (Radio Svoboda, 03.07.2022) <https://www.> (accessed: 31.01.2024).

6. Proholosheno Deklaratsiiu pro stvorennia Spetsialnoho trybunalu zi zlochynu ahresii proty Ukrainy (Yurydychna Hazeta, 04.03.2022) < html> (accessed: 31.01.2024).

7. Prokuror Mizhnarodnoho sudu osobysto initsiiuvav rozsliduvannia shchodo vtorhnennia RF v Ukrainu (Suspilne, 28.02.2022) <> (accessed: 31.01.2024).



8. Stattia 5 Pochatok ta kinets zastosuvannia. (Komentar do obranykh statei Zhenevskoi konventsii pro povodzhennia z viiskovopolonenymy 25/01/2024) < ua/2024/01/25/5> (accessed: 31.01.2024).


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