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Article Implementation of International Legal Standards and Foreign Experience of Legal Ensuring of National Economic Security

graduate student of the Department of Economic Law and Economic Jurisdiction of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, 1st category lawyer of the Center for European Studies of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: -0002-5768-4947


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2024
Pages 151 - 161

Ensuring the economic security of the country acquires special significance in the conditions of modern market transformation, globalization and European integration. This actualizes the problem of implementing the international experience of public administration to ensure national economic security, and at the same time requires taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the Ukrainian state at the current stage and the experience it has acquired in the field under study. The process of adapting international norms and practices to the national legal field involves a complex approach that includes not only legislative harmonization, but also the development of relevant institutional mechanisms. It is substantiated that the implementation of international legal standards and integration of foreign experience is fundamental for strengthening the national economic security and stability of the Ukrainian state in the conditions of the globalized world.

The purpose of the article is to study the process of implementation of international legal standards and foreign experience in the context of legal support of national economic security.

The article examines the models and systems of ensuring national economic security in various countries of the world, in particular Japan, the USA, China, as well as the states that have recently gained independence. It was established that each of the countries formed its own concept of economic security based on the awareness of the uniqueness of the problems of its own economic system and took effective measures to overcome negative trends with the help of state regulation. Different directions of ensuring economic security in the European Union are analyzed, covering industry, energy, foreign economy and other areas.

Recommendations are offered for Ukraine regarding the implementation of international experience to ensure national economic security: supporting the adaptability of the economy to global changes, expanding foreign economic ties, increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of national production, optimizing foreign trade, ensuring the stability of the state’s financial condition, attracting foreign investments and developing international transport and communication systems. Emphasis is placed on the need to ensure access to foreign resources and the development of a sound system of state regulation of foreign economic activity. The main threats to Ukraine are identified, in particular: inefficiency of the state sector, legal instability, lack of competition, etc. It has been proven that in modern conditions, ensuring economic security should become the main direction of the foreign policy of the Ukrainian state. 

Keywords legal support; national economic security; international legal standards; integration; hyper competition


Authored books

1. Bazyliuk Ya, Davydenko S, Ventskovskyi D, Ekonomichna bezpeka Ukrainy v umovakh hibrydnoi ahresii (NISD 2017).


Journal articles

2. Luiijf E, Besseling K, and Graaf P, ‘Nineteen National Cyber Security Strategies’ (2013) 9 International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection.

3. Aliamkin R, ‘Pravove zabezpechennia natsionalnoi informatsiinoi bezpeky’ (2013) 4 Naukovi zapysky Instytutu zakonodavstva Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy (in Ukrainian).

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Conference papers

7. Moskovets V, ‘Ekonomichna bezpeka i rol derzhavy v zabezpechenni intehratsii u svitove hospodarstvo’ v Pravove rehuliuvannia ekonomichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy v umovakh yevrointehratsii: zbirnyk naukovykh prats Vseukraiinskoii naukovo-praktychnoii konferentsii (KhNUVS 2013).

8. Tomanevych L, ‘Ekonomichna zlochynnist yak zahroza natsionalnii bezpetsi derzhavy’ v Tomanevych L (red) Ekonomichna bezpeka Ukrainy: stan, problemy ta perspektyvy: tezy dop. uchasnykiv Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. (LvDUVS 2016).



9. Newson R, ‘Counter-Unconventional Warfare Is the Way of the Future. How Can We Get There?’ <> (accessed: 15.12.2023).

10. Kostytskyi V, ‘Informatsiina viina proty Ukrainy – vyklyk svitovomu poriadku’ <www.> (accessed: 20.12.2023).

11. Mernikov H, ‘Yevropeiska intehratsiia Ukrainy ta ekonomichna bezpeka derzhavy’ <www.> (accessed: 12.12.2023).


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