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Article Digitalization of the Tax Sphere in the Context of Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals

докторка юридичних наук, професорка, професорка кафедри державно-правових дисциплін Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна (Харків, Україна) ORCID ID: 



Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, Honored Education Worker of Ukraine, Vice-Rector for Innovation and Corporate Work and Administration of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (Kharkiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: 0003-3423-8896


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 4 / 2024
Pages 71 - 77

The scientific article is devoted to the further digitalization of the tax sphere through the prism of the implementation of the goals of modern development. This work reveals both the hidden features of the current transformation of the tax system due to the influx of global trends, as well as specific changes in the digitalization of various spheres of human activity.

The article traces the influx of digitalization processes into the tax organization. The digital medium is undergoing major transformations, both in all spheres of civil and political life, as well as in the management of government processes, document management and the formation of information. The influx of 4.0 industry into collaboration, creativity, information, including the field of subscription, was identified. Analysis of significant features makes it possible to understand the structural complexity of administration and the need to adhere to the current model of development. It is emphasized that the introduction of digital technologies in the tax sphere today necessitates the need to simplify the process of processing tax information, to change the corrupt warehouse work of fiscal authorities, and to details of planning and forecasting the development of the fiscal system and the national economy as a whole. Transformation in the way of digitalization makes it possible to make the process of payment of taxes and control more effective and clearer, as well as simpler and cheaper, and in the end, it helps to achieve the goals of the current development.


Keywords subsidiary administration; Sustainable Development Goal; dataization; digitalization


Authored books

1. Schwab Klaus, The fourth industrial revolution (World economic forum 2016).

Edited and translated books

2. Dikson P, Maibutnie (maizhe) vsoho. Yak zminytsia svit protiahom nastupnykh sta rokiv (per. z anhl. Vivat 2021).


Journal articles

3. Butlin J, ‘Book Review. Our common future. By World commission on environment and development. (London, Oxford University Press, 1987, pp. 383 £ 5.95.)’ [1989] 1 Journal of International Development 284–7.

 4. Geringer S, ‘National digital taxes – Lessons from Europe’ [2020] 35(1) South African Journal of Accounting Research 1–19.


Conference papers

5. Rossikhina H, Rossikhin V, ‘Didzhytalizatsiia u konteksti tsilei staloho rozvytku: meta ta praktyka’ Tsili staloho rozvytku v aspekti zmitsnennia natsionalnoho ta mizhnarodnoho pravoporiadku: mater. Mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konfer. (m. Zaporizhzhia-Lviv-Odesa-UzhhorodKharkiv-Chernivtsi, 27 zhovt. 2023 r.) (Khark. nats. un-t im. V. N. Karazina, 2023) 373.


 Websites 6. Singapore, UK, New Zealand, and UAE among World’s Stand Out Digital Economies <https://> (accessed: 30.04.2024).



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