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Article Legal Support of the National Cybersecurity and Defence System in the Current Economic and Legal Environment

Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Business Law and Business Process Institute of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: https: //orcid.or/0000-0003-0149-0710 Researcher ID:



Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of the Department of Business Law and Business Process Institute of Law, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: https://orcid.or/0000-0001-9974-3637 Researcher ID:



candidate of legal sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Economic Law and Economic Jurisprudence of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID: O- 4307-2017


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 4 / 2024
Pages 89 - 106

The intensification of global transformational phenomena, military conflicts, intensification of international economic competition, interstate trade conflicts, disappointing economic consequences of the pandemic (COVID-19), etc. necessitate constant review and adjustment of state mechanisms for regulating cybersecurity.

For Ukraine, the issue of ensuring security in cyberspace and minimizing potential and real cyber threats and cyber risks has been acute since 2014, when Russia invaded Ukraine and illegally annexed part of its sovereign territory, and intensified in 2022, with the outbreak of full-scale military aggression.

The purpose of the study is to analyse current trends in the EU and NATO security policy on cybersecurity, based on which it is necessary to identify the main directions of adaptation of the state policy in the field of cybersecurity to EU standards, as well as the directions of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU and NATO based on the fundamental principles of NATO and its mission. In addition, it is important to identify key new technologies needed to ensure national security and protect Ukraine’s cyberspace.

Based on the analysis of current trends in the EU and NATO security policy, the main directions of adaptation of the state policy to the EU standards in the field of cybersecurity were identified. The constant development of technology and the creation of new digital systems, combined with the enemy’s motivation to seize national cyberspace, threaten the continuity of key government institutions and their ability to protect their data. That is why an important aspect in times of war is the harmonization of national legislation with EU requirements in terms of introducing internal cyber risk management; establishing special cyber defence requirements for critical infrastructure organizations and other important state institutions and identifying appropriate control measures for such risks.

The author also examines the key new technologies necessary to ensure national security and protection of Ukraine’s cyberspace, in particular, it is established that such technologies include artificial intelligence, which can be used to create intelligence and control systems that will enable the identification of threats to national security and take measures to prevent them, to automate and optimize military operations, to be used in military logistics, military medicine, aerial reconnaissance, UAVs, etc.


Keywords security; national security; cybersecurity; national cybersecurity system; risk; information risk; cyber risk; cyber threat; defense capability; state policy; Ukraine’s cooperation with the EU and NATO; EU and NATO security standards; artificial intelligence


Authored books

1. Danyk Yu, Vorobiienko P, Cherneha V, Osnovy kiberbezpeky ta kiberoborony: pidruchnyk (ONAZ im. O. S. Popova 2019).


Journal articles

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4. Khaustova V, Reshetniak O, Khaustov M, Zinchenko V, ‘Napriamky rozvytku tekhnolohii shtuchnoho intelektu v zabezpechenni oboronozdatnosti krainy’ [2022] 3 BIZNESINFORM 17–26.

5. Makhniuk A, Kyrychenko O, ‘Okremi pidkhody shchodo stratehichnoho analizu ryzykiv u sferi intehrovanoho upravlinnia kordonamy: rozroblennia pasportiv zahroz prykordonnoi bezpeky’ [2012] 1 Derzhavne budivnytstvo (accessed: 23.03.2024).

6. Patsuriia N, ‘Uprovadzhennia tekhnolohii shtuchnoho intelektu v zabezpechennia natsionalnoi bezpeky ta oboronozdatnosti Ukrainy: pravovi problemy i perspektyvy povoiennoho periodu’ [2023] 3 Teoriia i praktyka intelektualnoi vlasnosti 68–78.

7. Tkachuk N, ‘Stratehichne planuvannia ta stratehichnyi analiz u sferi zabezpechennia natsionalnoi bezpeky’ [2021] 4 Yurydychnyi visnyk 80–6.


Conference papers

8. Patsuriia N, ‘Shtuchnyi intelekt yak neobkhidna skladova innovatsiinoho rozvytku systemy oboronnoho planuvannia Ukrainy’, Pravove rehuliuvannia tsyfrovoi ekonomiky ta shtuchnoho intelektu: natsionalnyi ta mizhnarodnyi vymiry: materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii 16 lystopada 2023 r. (Naukovo-doslidnyi instytut intelektualnoi vlasnosti NAPrN Ukrainy 2023) 208–13.

9. Voitsekhivskyi A, ‘Kiberbezpeka yak napriam yevroatlantychnoi intehratsii Ukrainy’, Pravo i bezpeka u konteksti yevropeiskoi ta yevroatlantychnoi intehratsii: zb. st. ta tez nauk. povidoml. za materialamy dyskus. paneli II Kharkiv. mizhnar. yuryd. forumu (m. Kharkiv, 28 veres. 2018 r.) (Pravo 2018).


Newspaper articles

10. Emmott R, ‘NATO cyber command to be fully operational in 2023’ (Reuters, 16 October 2018) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

11. Goździewicz W, ‘Sovereign Cyber Effects Provided Voluntarily by Allies (SCEPVA)’ (Cyber Defense Magazine, 11 November 2019) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

12. Minárik Tomáš, ‘NATO Recognises Cyberspace as a ‘Domain of Operations’ at Warsaw Summit’ (CCDCOE) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

13. 10 trendiv maibutnoho, yaki armiia Ukrainy poky shcho ihnoruie (Defence Express 14 lystopada 2020) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

14. Dyrektyva YeS NIS2: yak kompaniiam naikrashche pidhotuvatysia? (B2B Cyber Security, 25 veresnia 2023) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

15. Stivens T, Berton D, ‘NATO i stratehichna konkurentsiia v kiberprostori’ (NATO Review, 06 chervnia 2023 roku) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

16. Yevrodeputaty ukhvalyly zakon pro shtuchnyi intelekt (Yurydychna praktyka, 13 bereznia 2024 roku) (accessed: 23.03.2024).



17. Artificial Intelligence Act: MEPs adopt landmark law (European Parliament, 13 March 2024) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

18. NATO 2030: United for a New Area. Analysis and Recommendations of the Reflection Group Appointed by the NATO Secretary General Islands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties in the North (NATO, 25 November 2020) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

19. New rules to boost cybersecurity of the EU institutions enter into force (European Commission, 08 January 2024) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

20. Proska K, Wolfram J, Wilson J, Black D, Lunden K, Kapellmann Zafra D, Brubaker N, Mclellan T, Sistrunk Ch, ‘Sandworm Disrupts Power in Ukraine Using a Novel Attack Against Operational Technology’ (Mandiant Advantage, 9 November 2023) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

21. Smith B, ‘Microsoft suspends new sales in Russia’ (Microsoft, 4 March 2022) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

22. The NIS2 Directive: A high common level of cybersecurity in the EU (European Parliament, 08 February 2024) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

23. Novi pravyla posylenoi kiberbezpeky v Yevrosoiuzi (H-X Technologies) (accessed: 23.03.2024).

24. Spivrobitnytstvo Ukraina – YeS – NATO z protydii hibrydnym zahrozam u kibersferi’ (Center of Global Studies “Strategy XXI”) (accessed: 23.03.2024).


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