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Article The Status and Prospects of Pension System and Life Insurance Through the Demographic Crisis Under the Conditions of the State of War: A Civil Legal Analysis

Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of International Law and Branch Legal Disciplines Kyiv University of Law the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine  (Kyiv, Ukraine)  ORCID ID: Researcher ID: КІБ-5117-2024


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2024
Pages 76 - 90

The relevance of the conducted research is due to the modern demographic changes of the last decades, as well as migration processes and challenges caused by the state of war in Ukraine. Demographic processes directly affect such important socio-economic indicators as the number of employees, the unemployment rate, the number of pensioners and persons in need of state social assistance, the amount of taxes and fees paid to the state budget, and, accordingly, the monetary amount of social assistance and pensions to citizens who they need it.

The purpose of the article is a Civil Law analysis of the sphere of life insurance and pension system due to the impact of the demographic crisis and migration associated with the state of war in Ukraine.

Within the framework of the article, the demographic situation in Ukraine over the past three decades is analyzed, the negative trends of the decrease in the number of the population of the state as a whole, and the number of persons of working age in particular, are pointed out; social, economic, everyday reasons affecting the state of demography, as well as the influence of mortality rates among the working population on the problem under consideration are given. The negative influence of the state of war on the number of citizens of the state and the associated migration processes is substantiated.

The author has studied in detail the state and problems of the current system of state pension system and given arguments for the introduction of non-state pension system through the life insurance. Based on the norms of the current legislation, the advantages of the voluntary savings system as an element of non-state pension system with the help of a long-term life insurance and pension contract are clarified.

Within the scope of the article, considerable attention is paid to forecasts of the future development of post-war Ukraine and prospects for reforming the sphere of life insurance and pension system.

It was concluded that it is necessary to borrow positive world experience in the field of life insurance and pension system as a reliable tool for securing one’s future and a type of social protection, which is the driving force for the formation of the latest insurance culture in Ukrainian society.


Keywords pension; pension system; social welfare; life insurance; demography; demographic crisis; demographic indicators; civil law; long-term life insurance contract



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Edited books

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Journal articles

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16. Shevchuk P, ‘Zastosuvannia formalnykh metodiv do prohnozuvannia smertnosti naselennia’ [2011] 2(16) Demohrafiia ta sotsialna ekonomika 73–83.


Conference papers:

17. Khorvatova O, ‘Legal and Economic Features of Corporate Life Insurance Policy: International and National Experience’ The First International Scientific Conference on Private and Public Law. Proceedings of the Conference (March 29, 2014) (“East West” Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, 2014) 68–71.

18. Khorvatova O, ‘The legal environment of insurance business in Europe and Ukraine’ Zbior raportow naukowych. “Badania naukowe naszych czasow”. Sekcja 26. Prawoznawstwo (Diamond trading tour 2013) 29–33.

19. Khorvatova O, ‘Osnovni problemy diiuchoi systemy pensiinoho zabezpechennia’, Pravove rehuliuvannia vyshchoi osvity Ukrainy: suchasnyi stan ta perspektyvy rozvytku: materialy Vseukr. nauk.-prakt. konf. (Vyd-vo Yevrop. un-tu 2009) 192–198.

20. Khorvatova O, ‘Tendentsii rynku strakhuvannia zhyttia ta zdorov’ia u 2024 rotsi v konteksti novoho Zakonu Ukrainy “Pro strakhuvannia”’, Problemy vdoskonalennia pryvatnopravovykh mekhanizmiv nabuttia, peredachi, zdiisnennia ta zakhystu sub’iektyvnykh tsyvilnykh ta simeinykh prav u suchasnykh umovakh v Ukraini: materialy naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, prysviachenoi pam’iati prof. Chynhizkhana Nufatovycha Azimova (Kharkiv 2024) 135–137.


Newspaper articles

21. Pancevski B, ‘In Ukraine, Amputations Already Evoke Scale of World War I’ (The Wall Street Journal, Aug. 1, 2023) <> (accessed: 13.03.2024).

22. V Ukraini nalichuietsia 3 miliony liudei z invalidnistiu – Zholnovych (UkrInform 19.09.2023) < gnkpiwERS71xYrQT0Yaxg> (accessed: 13.03.2024).

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