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Article Features of the Publicly Dangerous Influence on the Advocate, Law Office, Law Association When Committing Criminal Offenses, Which Interfere on Advocate Activity as a Social Value Protected by Law

Graduate Student of the Department of Criminal Law of the Classical Private University, lawyer (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2024
Pages 119 - 128

The article is based on the study of advocate activity as a social value protected by criminal law, based on the concept of recognition of social values as the object of a criminal offense. The author came to the conclusion that the nature and types of negative changes that occur as a result of a socially dangerous encroachment on advocate activity can be determined taking into account the following aspects of advocacy: 1) characteristics of an advocate and legal status of an advocate; subjects of advocate activity and participants of relevant groups of legal relations formed in connection with the implementation of advocacy activities or appeals to a lawyer; 2) the set of rights and freedoms, interests of the lawyer and other participants of the relevant groups of legal relations, which are formed in connection with the implementation of the advocate activity or the appeal to the lawyer; 3) social ties between such entities that arise in connection with the implementation of advocacy activities; 4) tangible and intangible goods. Taking this into account, we aim to identify those types of socially dangerous human behavior that encroach on advocate activity. Based on this, the author carried out a study of the mechanism of damage to the legal profession as an object of criminal law protection and its components such as a lawyer, a law office, a lawyer association.It has been established that the key to uncovering these features is to identify those types of behavior that cause violations of the proper procedure for professional advocacy. It was determined that a socially dangerous influence on a lawyer can be directed both at a person who is already practicing law, and at a person who has received the legal status of a lawyer but is not yet practicing law. The article lists the types of such influence by the form of implementation, by the purpose of implementation, by the method of implementation. At the same time, a negative impact on the law firm, the law association may also result in a violation of the proper procedure for practicing law, considering the legal relationship between the lawyer and the law firm, the law association. In addition, the impact on the law firm or association may cause negative changes in the components of the object of criminal law protection in case of access, destruction, illegal modification or illegal distribution of information.


Keywords advocacy; attorney; attorney’s office; attorney’s association; social value; impact; mechanism of harm


Authored books

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Journal articles

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