Article | A Person in Local Self-Government: Problems of Interaction in the Context of the Challenges of the Russian-Ukrainian War |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 6 / 2024 |
Pages | 14 - 37 |
Annotation | The article is devoted to the peculiarities and problems of realization of human rights in the field of local self-government in the context of martial law and the Russian-Ukrainian war. The full-scale armed invasion of the Russian Federation has significantly affected the state of human rights in general and in territorial hromadas in particular. Real local self-government, decentralization of power and human rights, their realization and protection are inextricably linked phenomena and processes. Despite the significant economic, social, environmental and other problems caused by martial law, the decentralization processes in Ukraine, launched in 2014, have not stopped. Territorial hromadas, the formation and development of legal personality of which is the main goal of the reform processes, are gradually acquiring the features of full-fledged subjects of local self-government, the main bearers of its functions and powers, active participants in economic, social, cultural, environmental, informational and other municipal relations. The content of these relations is primarily formed by municipal human rights, etc., those subjective rights, the realization and sometimes protection of which is conditioned by the specifics of the life of territorial hromadas. It is also noted that the relevance of studying the human dimension of local self-government and decentralization processes is due to new challenges for our state caused by the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. Therefore, today there is a need for scientific analysis and further resolution of problematic issues related to ensuring the realization of human rights as a resident – a member of a territorial hromada, implementation of systemic measures to protect them in the context of not only national security challenges, but also in the context of the prospects for post-war recovery and sustainable development of territorial hromadas. The purpose of the article is to outline the peculiarities of the human dimension of local selfgovernment in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The author emphasizes that the existence of systemic problems under martial law, primarily economic, social, cultural, environmental, informational, etc., relating to the full functioning of territorial hromadas and, over time, the reconstruction of the destroyed municipal infrastructure, indicates the significant role and importance of local self-government in the processes of realization of most human rights. In turn, it is human rights that determine the content and focus of the activities of all actors of the local self-government system in various areas of municipal life. It is emphasized that the Russian-Ukrainian war has had a dramatic impact on the priorities of many territorial hromadas in Ukraine. New economic, social, cultural, environmental, information and other challenges of municipal life necessitate the formation of innovative approaches to the human rights protection potential and human-centered orientation of municipal authorities in terms of ensuring, institutional and procedural guarantees of human rights protection of a member of a territorial hromada, the main areas of improvement of municipal human rights protection activities, etc. In this context, the article focuses on the trends in the development of territorial hromadas, legislation on local self-government and municipal law in the context of modern challenges.
Keywords | local self-government; decentralization; human rights; territorial hromada; local issues; post-war recovery; municipal reform |
References | Bibliography
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