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Article Military Municipalism: Doctrinal Idea or Objective Need and Necessity

Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Department of Political Sciences and Law of the Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky (Odesa, Ukraine) ORCID ID: 1070



Doctor of Law, senior researcher, honored lawyer of Ukraine, professor of the Department of Political Sciences and Law of the Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky (Odesa, Ukraine) ORCID ID: kofmanboris@ukr. net


Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6 / 2024
Pages 38 - 60

The article examines the current problems of the formation of military municipalism in Ukraine as a social phenomenon, a normative phenomenology, an organic part of the national legislation on local self-government, which is determined and objectified by the Russian Federation’s unprovoked aggression against Ukraine.

The purpose of the study is to substantiate the priority directions of the formation of the legal field of military municipalism in the conditions of extraordinary functioning of statehood (martial law, war, as well as natural and man-made disasters).

It is argued that the formation of military municipalism is an objective process associated with the crisis conditions of the existence and functioning of the phenomenology of statehood - therefore, the doctrinal support of the formation processes of military municipalism is a positive trend to ensure its prospective legalization and subsequent legitimation.

 It is proved that the formation and emergence of the phenomenology of military municipalism is organically connected with the existence of the institution of local self-government and the functioning of local self-government bodies - precisely in the context of their performance of their competent powers and fundamental functions in the extraordinary conditions of the functioning of statehood, i.e., in the conditions of martial law and war ( as well as in conditions of natural and man-made cataclysms);

It is emphasized that the formation and emergence of the phenomenology of military municipalism directly affects the implementation by local self-government bodies in crisis conditions of public power, the protection of human rights and freedoms, and the promotion of the practical implementation of constitutional rights and freedoms by people-residents and at the same time members of the TG, which is actually directed to the creation of a center of life within the TG and direct assistance to residents-members of such a community in understanding, forming, implementing and guaranteeing the implementation of their life cycle.

Arguments are expressed regarding the fact that in the process of everyday life of a person in the given crisis conditions, local self-government bodies should have the appropriate powers that will give them a real opportunity by solving a systemic set of issues of existential significance, through the formation and implementation at the local level of society of not only individual, group and collective human rights and freedoms, as well as the system of their protection and protection directly implement their strategic and productive tasks and functions. This is precisely what reflects the strategic and essential problems of general constitutionalism, an immanent part of which is military municipalism.

A generalized conclusion is given that the phenomenology of military municipalism, through ensuring the existence of local self-government and the functioning of local self-government bodies in crisis conditions of the existence and functioning of statehood, clearly contributes to the formation, functioning and improvement of the local system of protection and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, thanks to which one of the most important functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs – human rights protection and law enforcement, which are at the basis of the creation of a safe zone for a person throughout his life cycle within the territorial community and in the conditions of local self-government, are formed and highlighted. 

Keywords constitutionalism; municipalism; local self-government; territorial community; human rights; military municipalism; local system of human rights protection



Authored books

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Journal articles

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Conference papers

14. Baimuratov M, Kofman B, ‘Militarnyi munitsypalizm: parametralni oznaky shchodo rozuminnia ta vyznachennia’ VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Scientific advances and innovative approaches” (January 11–12, 2024, Tokyo. Japan) 22–34.

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16. Baimuratov M, Kofman B, ‘Rol orhaniv mistsevoho samovriaduvannia Ukrainy v sferi zakhystu prav liudyny v period voiennoho stanu: do formuvannia prakseolohichnokompetentnoi paradyhmy’ Nezalezhnist Ukrainy: prava liudyny ta natsionalna bezpeka: zb. materialiv Druhoi mizhnar. nauk.-prakt. konf. (Lviv, 20 travnia 2022 roku) (L Yarmol uporiad, Halytska vydavn. spilka 2022) 83–89.

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