Article | Economic Dimension of Local Self-Government Under Martial Law in Ukraine |
Authors |
candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Constitutional Law of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: https: //
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 6 / 2024 |
Pages | 94 - 106 |
Annotation | Because of the russian armed invasion and the imposition of martial law in our country, new realities have emerged in all areas of the functioning of territorial communities and their bodies. However, the author emphasizes that the war did not stop the municipal reform that began in 2014 in Ukraine. The local self-government, the driving force of the reform processes, is gradually acquiring the features of socio-economic governance based on human rights to freedom of entrepreneurship and other economic activity. At the same time, it is noted that the relevance of the study of the economic dimension of local self-government is due to new security and economic challenges for our state caused by the full-scale armed aggression of the Russian Federation. Today, there is a need for scientific analysis and further solutions to problematic issues related to implementing systematic measures for post-war recovery and sustainable economic development of the country. The article aims to outline the peculiarities of the economic dimension of local self-government under martial law in Ukraine. Attention is drawn to the existence of a complex of economic problems at the local level under current conditions of war. The economic issues are related to the reconstruction of destroyed industrial and other infrastructure and the restoration of the local economy and the communal sector. It indicates the vital role of the economic function of local self-government, the content of which is the applicable powers of local self-government subjects in the economic and economic sphere, which are defined in the law on local self-government and are specified in national branch legislation. It is emphasized that the full-scale war instigated by the Russian Federation after February 24, 2022, had a significant impact on the development priorities of many territorial communities in Ukraine. It moved them from ensuring sustainable economic development to guaranteeing security for their residents and economic “survival”. At the same time, the article substantiates that territorial communities located in territories where military actions do not take place (western, central regions of the state) should implement the priority tasks. They include the creation of conditions for the proper functioning of the communal sector of the economy, relocated (moved) businesses, and the activation of local economic development and organization of assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is argued that local economic development, as a component of the economic dimension of local self-government under today’s challenging martial law conditions, cannot be based on the situational adoption of certain decisions. It should be a component of the general strategic planning system of the territorial community’s activities, applying local economic development’s specific organizational and legal instruments. At the same time, the article focuses on the importance of preparing strategic initiatives to strengthen the role of constitutional regulation of the country’s economic recovery processes. The paper investigates the problem of conceptual substantiation of the constitutional economy and the need for further development of interdisciplinary approaches, including comprehensive scientific research carried out on the border of economics and law. The article summarizes that the national municipal reform is regarded in the context of forming the market economy model. Therefore, the scientific analysis of the economic dimension of local self-government determines the need to form fundamentally new methodological approaches. They are to study the very nature of the legal regulation of material and financial relations with the participation of territorial communities at the local levels. In this sense, the characteristics of the economic dimension of local self-government should be based on the principles and features of the market of an economic and legal nature. They include economic diversity, inviolability of private property rights, social orientation of the economy, freedom of entrepreneurial activity, formal and legal equality of participants in market relations and entities of property rights, the dominance of dispositive principles in the normative content of market property relations, including with the participation of citizens, etc.
Keywords | local self-government; legal regulation; communal sector of the economy; post-war recovery; municipal reform |
References | Bibliography
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