Article | Comparative and Phenomenological Analysis of the Normal and Military Paradigms of Protection and Defence of Human Dignity and Rights Under the Constitution of Ukraine |
Authors |
Doctor of Law, Professor, Professor of Department of Public Law, Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of Department of Public Law, Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID: |
Name of magazine | Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version) |
Issue | 6 / 2024 |
Pages | 113 - 130 |
Annotation | The article continues the discourse that has been going on recently in the pages of scientific publications on the nature and meaning of constitutional national identity. The authors focus on the understanding of this identity by the constituent authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Polish constitution-maker and, most importantly, the Ukrainian constitution-maker. The quintessence of the study is a comparative and phenomenological analysis of the normal and military paradigms of protection and defence of dignity and human rights under the Constitution of Ukraine. The authors have obtained the following main research results: 1) The essence of modern European constitutionalism is to limit public power, primarily the State, in order to protect human dignity and human rights and freedoms from it. The constitutional national identity as a unique code of the respective constitution serves this purpose. Its value core is the normal paradigm of constitutional guarantees of protection and defence of human dignity and human rights and freedoms as its ideological and methodological matrix. 2) The constitutional national identity under the Constitution of Ukraine carries the ancestral remnants of declarative Soviet constitutionalism and is marked by a separation of human rights and freedoms from human dignity. The latter is most obviously manifested in the positioning of human dignity as the highest social value, and human rights and freedoms as inalienable and inviolable, i.e. natural. The normal paradigm of constitutional protection and defence of human rights and freedoms is largely declarative. It does not contain direct constitutional provisions stating that human dignity and human rights and freedoms are inviolable, are a person’s immediate right to protection from arbitrariness of the state, and their protection and defence is a constitutional duty of the state. 3) The martial paradigm of constitutional protection and defence of human dignity and human rights and freedoms is set out in the Constitution of Ukraine in a fragmentary manner, containing only some fundamental contours of such protection and defence in the form of an exhaustive list of articles of the Constitution, which enshrine human rights and freedoms that cannot be restricted even under martial law. It does not indicate the conditions and grounds for the introduction of martial law in the state, nor does it contain any indication of the permissible parameters of restriction of human rights and freedoms under those articles of the Constitution of Ukraine that are not covered by the above-mentioned exhaustive constitutional list of articles. The constitutional protection and defence of human dignity has been completely excluded from it. The above-mentioned problems require urgent resolution by the constituent authorities in post-war Ukraine. |
Keywords | Constitution of the State; constitutional national identity; constituent power; established power; normal paradigm of protection and defence of dignity and human rights under the Constitution of Ukraine; military paradigm of protection and defence of dignity and human rights under the Constitution of Ukraine |
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