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Article Enforcement of EU Association Agreement in the Legal Order of Ukraine: Judicial Practice
Doctor of Law, Professor (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID: Researcher ID:
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2024
Pages 13 - 22

EU – Ukraine Association Agreement is a legal instrument for the implementation of the foreign policy vector and the implementation of the constitutional principle of Ukraine of the European identity of the Ukrainian people and the irreversibility of Ukraine’s European and EuroAtlantic course. The implementation of the Association Agreement becomes a tool not only for its implementation, but also for ensuring the processes of acquiring full membership of Ukraine in the EU. The implementation of EU – Ukraine Association Agreement will depend on the national implementation of the agreement and the determination of its status in the system of sources of national law.

The penetration of EU law into the legal order of Ukraine can be defined as a process of Europeanization, which is traced both at the level of the legislative and executive branches of government (through the adoption of relevant norms and acts), but also by judicial practice for the harmonious interpretation of relevant norms. The issue of uniform enforcement of EU law is being investigated. The practice of the Court of Justice of the EU and its legal positions become important in this process as a source of interpretation of norms, which by their nature have a transpositional nature from EU law through the fulfillment of obligations included in the Association Agreement. The already existing judicial practice of Ukraine regarding the application of the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union is studied.

Keywords EU – Ukraine Association Agreement; implementation; legal enforcement; judicial practice; legal order of Ukraine; international treaties; international law; EU law


Authored books

1. Strieltsova O, Konstytutsionalizatsiia protsesu asotsiatsii Ukrainy z Yevropeiskym Soiuzom: teoriia ta praktyka (Alerta 2017).


Edited books

2. Ohliad praktyky Sudu spravedlyvosti Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu. Rishennia za liutyi 2024 roku (R Babanly vidp. za vyp., D Mordas, D Mudrak, T Prostybozhenko, A Petrenko pereklad rishen 2024) (accessed 16.08.2024).


Journal articles

3. Smyrnova K, ‘Dzherela prava Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu: novitni tendentsii rozvytku’ [2017] 6 Pravo Ukrainy 90–7.

4. Smyrnova K, Berezovska I, ‘Rozvytok doktryny priamoi dii mizhnarodnykh uhod u pravi Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu’ [2019] 6 Pravo Ukrainy 15–35.


5. Terletskyi D, ‘Konstytutsiino-pravove rehuliuvannia dii mizhnarodnykh dohovoriv v Ukraini’ (dys kand yuryd nauk 2007)

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