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Article Consumer’s Right to Information on Products
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Senior Researcher, Chief Consultant of the Main Legal Department of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, doctoral student of the Research Institute of Private Law and Entrepreneurship named after Academician F. G. Burchak National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) ORCID ID:
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 7 / 2024
Pages 91 - 103

It is well known that the consumer market is the center not only of goods, works, and services but also of information about them, their producers, and sellers. At the same time, receiving such information from consumers is not always smooth, given the information asymmetry that prevails in consumer relations. This leads to the fact that, given the stronger position of the business entity, it can influence the consumer to purchase the relevant goods, works, or services. To avoid this, the legislation balances information asymmetry. 
The purpose of the article is to provide a scientific and legal analysis and to characterize the consumer’s right to information on products. The author established that the right to information about products is a fundamental consumer right, which is designed to provide quality information to the consumer, which will allow him to make the right choice regarding the purchase/non-purchase of products. At the same time, the effectiveness of exercising this consumer right directly depends on its correct regulatory provision. At the same time, in consumer legal relations, the proper provision of the consumer’s right to information about the product, its manufacturer, or seller requires that the necessary legal requirements for providing such information be met, including all its components: necessity, accessibility, completeness, reliability, and timeliness. 
As a conclusion of the conducted research, the author notes that the exercise of the consumer’s right to information has a multifaceted (complex) aspect, as it not only allows the consumer to realize the need to purchase products but also has a preventive function, which consists in the fact that the consumer, in certain cases of obtaining information, can refuse to purchase products that potentially pose a threat to his life, health or do not correspond to his economic interests. In addition, the author proposes a definition of the consumer’s right to information on products. 

Keywords consumer; right to information on products; information; information asymmetry; consumer protection


Authored books 
1.    Melnyk T, Tovaroznavstvo: pidruchnyk (dlia studentiv ekonomichnykh spetsialnostei) (Derzhavnyi universytet “Zhytomyrska politekhnika” 2020). 

Journal articles 
2. Fischer J, ‘Consumer Protection in the United States and European Union: Are Protections More Effective Before or After a Sale?’ [2014] 32(2) Wisconsin International Law Journal 308. 
3. Li Y, Ye X, ‘On the Denial of Consumer Identity and Protection of People Who Knowingly Buy Fake Products – Taking Chinese Market as an Example’ [2022] 13 Beijing Law Review 528–543. doi: 10.4236/blr.2022.133034. 
4. Popescu A, ‘Particularities of the consumers’ right to information in electronic commerce’ [2018] 8(2) Juridical Tribune ‒ Review of Comparative and International Law, Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies pages 477‒488. 
5. Malanchuk T, ‘Informatsiia pro tovar yak skladova prava spozhyvacha na nalezhnu yakist produktsii’ [2009] 1 Pravovyi visnyk Ukrainskoi akademii bankivskoi spravy 74–79. 
6. Mykytenko L, ‘Paradyhma zabezpechennia prava spozhyvacha na informatsiiu’ [2016] 1 Zovnishnia torhivlia: ekonomika, finansy, pravo 47–55. 
7. Poplavska M, ‘Mistse prava na informatsiiu pro produktsiiu v systemi prav spozhyvachiv za zakonodavstvom Ukrainy ta YeS’ [2014] 3 Naukovi zapysky Instytutu zakonodavstva Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy 92–97. 
8. Yanovytska H, ‘Pravo spozhyvachiv na informatsiiu shchodo kharchovykh produktiv za zakonodavstvom Ukrainy ta YeS’ [2018] 3 Pryvatne ta publichne pravo 17–20. 

9. Osetynska H, ‘Tsyvilno-pravovyi zakhyst prav spozhyvachiv za zakonodavstvom Ukrainy’ (dys kand yuryd nauk 2006). 
10. Pysmenna O, ‘Pravovidnosyny, shcho vynykaiut u zv’iazku z porushenniam prav spozhyvachiv vnaslidok nedolikiv tovariv, robit (posluh)’ (dys kand yuryd nauk 2007). 
11. Cherniak O, ‘Tsyvilno-pravovyi status spozhyvacha u konteksti adaptatsii zakonodavstva Ukrainy do zakonodavstva Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu’ (dys kand yuryd nauk 2011). 

Conference papers 
12. Shukla A, ‘Consumer Rights and Responsibilities’ National Seminar on Consumer Protection – New Age Challenges. Conference (National law University, Delhi 2016) (accessed 17.06.2024).

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