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Article Mechanisms for Ensuring the Unity of Judicial Practice as the Guarantee of Protection of Subjective Civil Rights
Authors Kot O.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2016
Pages 108 - 115

The article is devoted to the problems of ensuring the unity of judicial practice as a guarantee of protection of subjective civil rights. The author reviews the place and role of the unity of judicial practice in the system of law principles. The article emphasizes the existence of procedural and non-procedural mechanisms to ensure the unity of judicial practice. Analysing the legal instruments provided to the Supreme Court as the highest judicial authority in Ukraine to ensure the unity of judicial practice, the author concludes that the revised legislation on the judicial system guarantees the exceptional status of the decision (ruling) of the Supreme Court, among other things in the mechanisms of the unity of judicial practice.

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