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Article Problematic Issues of Criminal Liability for Corruption Offenses
Savchenko A
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 12 / 2015
Pages 58 - 68

The article is devoted to elucidation of the issues of criminal liability for corruption offenses. The attention focuses on the most fundamental of them, particularly those relating to following issues: place, form and scope of legislative definition corruption offenses; interrelation between national and international systems of corruption crimes as well as forms of guilt in some of these crimes; frequent changes to the Criminal Code of Ukraine and the presence of certain contradictions in the relevant criminal-legal norms; correctness in Ukrainian-language translation of a number of terms contained in the international conventions on combating corruption; ambiguous interpretation of separate criminal-legal terms relating to the specific characteristics of corruption offenses; determining the reasonable, fair and adequate punishment for corruption crimes. The author’s versions for solutions of problems outlined above and the ways to eliminate the relevant discussion points are proposed.

Keywords corruption offenses, criminal liability, undue advantage, international conventions, improvement of criminal-legal norms, punishment
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