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Article Methodology of Legal Science: The Postmodern Temptation
Varlamova N.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1 / 2014
Pages 69 - 77
Annotation The article deals with the problem of the transformation of the legal scientific methodology in the postmodern situation. Some legal scientists try to adapt the non classic philosophy methodological approaches (such as relativism, social and cultural contextualism, anti-essentialism) and terms in legal researches. The result of this process is the reinterpretatio of the main legal principals and categories (in particular such as justice and freedom), th denial of their essential understanding and development of the integrative concepts of la which make the ontological frameworks of traditional interpretations of law wider. Accordin to the author it doesn’t promote the increase of legal knowledge and makes the subject of legal science more uncertain.
Keywords methodology, postmodern, non classic rationality, non classic philosophy, legal science, law, integrative concept of law, justice, freedom.
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