Article title Genesis of legal nihilism in a context of theories of bureaucratism
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1-2/2012
Сторінки [313-320]
Annotation The parity between displays of legal nihilism and signs of the bureaucratic organization of the power is considered. The legal nihilism as right negation in wide and narrow sense is considered. It is shown that bureaucratism with necessity generates legal nihilism as right negation is way of its existence. Hence, the thesis about primacy of legal nihilism of the power in relation to legal nihilism of a society is proved. Last has character of the adaptation to infringements of norms of the right from outside subjects of imperious powers.
Keywords legal nihilism, bureaucratism, the subject of imperious powers, a civil society, the state purposes, the officialdom purposes.