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Article Legal Nature of Disputes with Fund of Guaranteeing of Holding of Physical Persons and Judicial Defence of Rights for Shareholders of Commercial Bank with Practice of European Court of Human Rights
Monaienko А.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3 / 2017
Pages 149 - 156
Annotation The article is dedicated to the legal nature of spores with Fund of guaranteeing of holding of physical persons in relation to the return of them bank holding and whether answer criteria that allow to attribute the normatively-legal acts of Fund to the decisions of subjects of imperious plenary powers, the validity of inpayment of judicial collection at consideration of this category of spores, and also whether there are shareholders of commercial banks by persons that is embraced by observant activity of the National bank of Ukraine and whether they can in connection with it contest the decision of the National bank of Ukraine and Fund of guaranteeing of holding of physical persons from the day of leading out of the bank from the market.
Keywords Fund of Guaranteeing of Holding of Physical Persons, bank holding, dispute, appeal, administrative jurisdiction, deposit holding, inspection verifications, observant activity, commercial ban.
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