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Article Comparative Method: Рostnonclassical Interpretation
Tykhomyrov O.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 4 / 2014
Pages 197 - 203
Annotation The article deals with theoretical and methodological features of the comparative method, its contents, subject, performance and other characteristics. It is noted that the comparative method is immutable, and may be transformed according to the understanding of science at various stages of its development. A modern interpretation of the comparative method is stipulated by philosophical, theoretical and methodological frameworkof Postnonclassical science. Comparative method is deemed as the one that covers a number of methods designed to study «more than one» object or «not one» of the object in its temporal, spatial and other dimensions, and therefore the result of the application of the comparative method is universal and perfect, universal and unique, «one — second — other». Sphere of its use in legal science can not be limited only own comparative legal research.
Keywords comparative methodology, comparative method, рostnonclassical science, general — special — single, universal and unique, «one — second — other», structure of scientific methods.
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