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Article International Legal Regulation of Electronic Communications Servicesin the Development of Ukraine — the European Union Free Tread Area
Zabara I.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 4 / 2016
Pages 60 - 69

The article deals with the legal aspects of cooperation between Ukraine and theEU in the establishment and development of a free trade area between them. The article isa study of the legal regulation of electronic communications services in conditions of complexadaptation of Ukraine to the relevant EU standards. To characterize the process of adaptation,the author examines the provisions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EUand its Member States in 2014 in the area of electronic communications services.The author appeals to the European legislation on electronic communications services,considering the period of its formation and sources. Also, the author summarizes the terms ofapproximation of Ukraine to EU legislation in the field of electronic communications services. Inparticular, considering the regulatory approach, regulating framework, status and powers ofnational regulators, distribution and use of radio frequencies, access to electronic communicationsnetworks and services, providing universal service.

Keywords international legal regulation of electronic communications services, free tradearea, the Association Agreement, adaptation.
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