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Article Interaction of International, European and National Law: Theoretical Foundations
Parkhomenko N.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2014
Pages 52 - 61
Annotation The author determined theoretical basis of the Ukrainian legislation in conformity with the generally recognized principles of international law, the implementation of European values and standards in the context of Ukraine’s aspirations to acquire associate membership in the EU. The article covers a systematic analysis of the respective provisions of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, international instruments, and analyzed the appropriate means, the possibilities and conditions of abovementioned process. The basic directions for reformation of a national legislation are elucidated in the article. It is accented that the basics of this process should be voluntary nature and independence of Ukraine in determining the direction, prioritization, phasing, sequence and depth account of international standards and European values in national legislation, recognition of international legal acts ratified appropriately, part of the national legislation, enriching it due to the norms and principles of international law set out in international treaties.
Keywords European standards, principles of international law, national law, EU law, implementation, harmonization.
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