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Article Public Prosecutor’s Office in the System of Judicial Power
Lapkin A.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2015
Pages 164 - 171
Annotation Place of the Public Prosecutor’s Office among the branches of state power and its relation with judicial power in particular are studied. The provisions determining independent role thereof in the state power mechanism are examined. Interrelations of the Public Prosecutor’s Office with branches of state power are analyzed. «Pro et contra» arguments referring the Public Prosecutor’s Office to the judicial power are given. Prospects of integration of the Public Prosecutor’s Office to the judicial power in the framework of adoption of the new Law of Ukraine «On the Public Prosecutor’s Office» are identified. Views on the Public Prosecutor’s Office as a control branch of power are subject to criticism. Proposals on further improvement of legal status of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the system of state power in Ukraine are formulated.
Keywords the Public Prosecutor’s Office, judicial power, separation of powers, function of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, legal status of the Public Prosecutor, state power mechanism.
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