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Article Collective Actions in Europe
Maan B.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2015
Pages 13 - 17
Annotation The author analyzes the institute of collective action in the Netherlands as well as in Belgium and France. The article presents the arguments for the need in collective actions, studies different kinds thereof depending on subjects and consequences — action of group interest and action of general interest. Mechanisms for awarding and compensation due to the type of action are also determined. The author focuses on the duties of the parties to take action for pre-trial settlement of collective disputes. Moreover, the article examines the role of the EU rules and their impact on the formation of the institute of collective action in Europe. The author concludes that while mass actions, as they are in common law countries, are unlikely to be introduced in civil law countries, a tool for collective actions and protection of collective interests is developed and functions effectively.
Keywords collective actions, experience of the Netherlands, experience of Belgium and France, subjects of collective actions, compensation of damages in collective action, EU rules.
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