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Article The Content and Features of the Administrative and Legal Relations in the Field of Public Health Care
Hladun Z.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2013
Pages 241 - 248
Annotation The concept, content and types of administrative and legal relations in the field of public health care are investigated in the article. They belong to the non­property legal relations, which include institutionally­managerial and regulatory relations. There are both managerial and public­service relations in thefield of health care. The evidence of administrative legal nature of these relations is that they are public in their content,as they govern the protection of public health, havepublic (not private) interest, and arise from administrative regulation and are regulated by numerous administrative and legal acts (regulations, rules, instructions, lists, etc.). The author divides administrative and legal relations in this field into seven types by semantic criterion.
Keywords health care, administrative and legal relations, objects and subjects of administrative and legal relations, content and types of administrative and legal relations in the field of public health care.
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