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Article Constitutional and Moral Criteria for Professional Qualifications Predictability for a Position of Judge
Skomorokha L.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 10 / 2014
Pages 175 - 185
Annotation Iissues of constitutional and moral criteria for professional qualifications predictability for a position of judge were examined in the article. The author paid special attention to the vaguely studied concept of judicial stress as judges’ activities is characterized by specific conditions allowing to consider it as highly stressful as well as pointed out the need to underpin ethics by law. The constitutional legislation of some countries was analyzed in order to define rules aimed at the protection and respect of public morals. The main features of necessary existence of an effective, independent judicial authority, a guarantee of strong and independent state, were outlined. The issues of eligibility solved in the framework of vocational preference and selection were studied. Attention was paid to the special conditions of judges’ professional activities and the necessity to respect ethical principles in their work. The main qualities that should be inherent to a person enrolled to a judge position and without which his work is impossible were defined. The legislative consolidation of requirements and criteria that would give an opportunity to provide professional assessment of a judge’s ability to carry out his professional duties effectively, taking into account his professional and personal abilities throughout the tenure, was proposed. This by-turn might encourage increasing confidence to judicial manpower.
Keywords judiciary, judge, vocational selection, vocational eligibility, vocational preference, service activities, morals, judicial stress.
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