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Article Criminal and Procedural Guarantees at Applying of a Personal Pledge as Measure of Restriction
Smokov S.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 11 / 2013
Pages 242 - 249
Annotation The article focuses on the criminal and procedural guarantees at applying of personal pledge as measure of restriction. The attention is paid to the achievements of Ukraine in the development of Criminal procedure legislation and its conversion to international standards. The ratio of procedural guarantees and measures of restriction which apply in the Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine is defined in the article. The components that influenced the election of a personal pledge are examined. The author also defines conditions to be met by the guarantor. Some opinions of the scientists on this problem are considered; and offered the author’s personal vision of the mechanism of realization of preventive measures in the form of a personal guarantee. This restriction measure is examined from point of view of perspective of the person’s rights and the interests of justice.
Keywords criminal and procedural guarantees, measure of restriction, personal pledge, person’s rights guarantees, justice guarantees.
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