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Article Problems of the Planning of Tactical Operations in Criminalistics
Authors Shevchuk V.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3-4 / 2013
Pages 414 - 421

The problems of determining the place of tactical operations in the system of criminology have been researched. Аnalyzed the point of view of scientists-criminalists on the considered problem. It has been proved that it is found that the planning of tactical operations should be considered in planning the individual plane investigative or other action, but with many aspects and the specific character of the organizational and tactical complex. Determined that the specific cognitive processes to the planning of the operation is that the investigator must necessarily take into account the peculiarities of its formation and the relationship between its elements, in particular, such as the type of crime, the investigation of the situation, the tactical problem and others. Focuses that the planning tactical operations is an integral part of the overall planning process, the investigation, which is a mental (mental) activities of the investigator, geared to the individual tactical objective investigation of the effect of the situation by modeling the set of actions of various kinds. Development of tactical operations planning problems is promising research that will further enrich the general theory of criminalistics.

Keywords tactical operation, planning of the tactical operations, methodological bases of planning of the tactical operations.
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