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Article «Academician Vernadskyi» — the Ukrainian research station in Antarctica (International law aspects of its status and activities)
Antselevych H.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 3-4 / 2012
Pages 221 - 230
Annotation The article depicts some issues of international and legal position of Ukrainian Antarctic station «Academic Vernadskyі». It contains a brief description of geographical position of scientific research importance of the station, some issues of jurisdiction of Ukraine, the territory, where the station is located, and its personnel. Then there can be found brief characteristics of some kinds of scientific research activities, which are carried out at the station, and their legal framework. In conclusion some perspectives of legal relations according to the status and regime of using of the station have been presented.
Keywords Academic Vernadskyi, Antarctica, Antarctic Treaty, Jurisdiction of Ukraine, scientific research activities, international cooperation.
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