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Article First Pan-European Procedures for Civil Rights Protection and Their Role in Civil Process Harmonization in the European Union
Pohoretskyi M., Izarova I.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2015
Pages 149 - 156
Annotation The prerequisites for the implementation of the first pan-European procedures for the civil rights protection are analyzed in the article. It resulted in harmonization of civil procedure in the EU Member States. The development of common market in the EU has determined the introduction of a common European area of justice with a view to common grounds for civil justice. Differences between national procedural laws of the Member States prevented from the availability and effectiveness of judicial protection, which was granted to all residents of the EU. The above also led to the adoption of common to all Member States procedures and establishment of a common European civil procedure.
Keywords civil procedure, procedures, action, cross-border disputes, summary proceedings.
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