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Article Criminalization of Defamation and Speech Freedom in Ukraine
Pidgorodynskyi V.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6 / 2013
Pages 262 - 268
Annotation The article takes up the issues of instituting criminal proceedings for libel in the context of freedom of speech in Ukraine. Proposals to return this act to the Criminal Code have been submitted several times. However, such ideas usually did not find support and were perceived negatively. Opponents of this action saw a threat in it to the freedom of speech and mentioned the possibility of using the article on libel to prosecute journalists. Nevertheless, the author believes that the freedom of expression the opinion cannot be unlimited. At the same time, the state legislation provides a number of guarantees to ensure the realization of this right, including the guarantees for the journalists' activities. Therefore, the criminalization of libel will not violate the above-noted principle of a democratic society.
Keywords libel, freedom of speech, journalists, media.
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