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Article Parliament: Legislative Procedure
Shapoval V.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6 / 2015
Pages 165 - 178
Annotation The article describes the procedure of adoption laws, including the law on the state budget in Parliament, including in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Theoretical issues of legal and constitutional regulation of social relations in different countries are studied. The provisions of Article 92 of the Constitution of Ukraine in the context of determining the scope of legal regulation, implemented by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are analyzed. Attention is paid to the legislative process in the Parliament of Ukraine. The stages of legislative initiative and veto are determined. Given the outcomes of the application of the theory of constitutionalism, term «promulgation», that is one of the key stages of the procedure is defined. Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine concerning the legislative procedure are proposed.
Keywords parliament, law-making, law, constitutional regulation, legislative initiative, promulgation of the law, presidential veto.
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