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Article Charles Louis de Montesquieu and prehistory of Comparative Jurisprudence
Kresin O.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 6 / 2012
Pages 262 - 275
Annotation The article deals with the formation of ideas of Montesquieu on legal relativism and comparative cognition of law. The author comprehensively analyzes the aspects of comparative cognition of law in the work «The Spirit of Laws». Attention is paid to perception and further development of ideas of Montesquieu in the second half of XVIII – early XIX century. The author concludes that Montesquieu laid the foundations for the formation of comparative-typological methodological approach as a tool for obtaining comparative-typological knowledge of law and a source of science of comparative jurisprudence.
Keywords comparative jurisprudence, comparative law, comparative-typological approach, legal relativism, comparative-typological knowledge, national law, natural law.
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