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Article Democratic Foundations of the Public Prosecutor's Office Constitutional Status and Powers
Bohutskyi Р.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 8 / 2013
Pages 123 - 130
Annotation The article is devoted to the study of important questions of constitutional definition and legislative settlement of a status and powers of Office of Public Prosecutor, as of a significant organ of the government, which aims at the establishment of democracy, protection of public interests, rights and freedoms of a man and citizen, to counter crime and corruption. The analysis of scientific standpoints is made and advanced is a personal vision of place of Office of Public Prosecutor in the system of separation of powers. Prosecutor's affiliation with bodies of judicial power and ensuring the implementation of justice by Office of Public Prosecutor in a broad hermeneutic understanding of this category was proved in this article.
Keywords Office of Public Prosecutor, status, power of the prosecutor, public interests, Rule- of-Law State, separation of powers.
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