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Article Entrepreneurship as an Object of Private Law Regulation
Makhinchuk V.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 8 / 2013
Pages 220 - 226
Annotation This article is aimed at investigation of theoretical grounds of entrepreneurship referring to the object of private law regulation. The division of law into private and public law is taken for a methodological basis of research. The principal criterion of above mentioned dichoto- mous subdivision is distinguished. The formal criterion is taken as the basic criterion for identification of the legal nature of business relations, as it enables to take into consideration the subject structure of relations of its subjects to each other. It is also emphasized that entrepreneurship as an independent, initiative activity carried out at one's peril, is possible only on conditions of prevalence of the disposition method of legal regulation. The author accentuates on the necessity of public regulation of entrepreneurial activity aimed at assurance of competitive market environment and makes a suggestion about the private law nature of entrepreneurship.
Keywords entrepreneurship, legal regulation, private law.
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