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Article State’s Regional Policy: the Question of Ontology and Axiology Definition and Understanding
Baimuratov M., Balabanova I.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 9 / 2014
Pages 74 - 87
Annotation This paper investigates the ontological and axiological approaches to defining regional policy. We show that update and objectification of the regional level of local government and its improvement in Ukraine is directly connected, firstly, with the administrativeterritorial division of the state (administrative grounds), and secondly, a set of questions about the distribution of population on its territory (humanitarian grounds), and thirdly, the territorial organization of state power and local self-government (territorial and domineering and selfgoverning territorial sign) and, in fourth, with strong decentralization and deconcentration of state power in the context of globalization (globalization and decentralized sign) and, fifth, international trends towards decentralization of public authority under the interstate integration associations, which aspires to become a member of the Ukraine (international integration sign).
Keywords decentralization of public administration, constitutional reform, region, regional policy, local self-government.
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