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Article Election Code: Some Amendments Introduced into the Polish Election Law
Buchkovskyi Ye.
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 5 / 2013
Pages 77 - 85
Annotation The article considers the issues of innovations and amendments to the election is paid to the problem issues of the possibilities of two days voting in the context of the Decision of the Constitutional Tribunal of the Republic of Poland according to which such a voting was recognized unconstitutional regarding the parliamentary and presidential elections. The issues of unification of negative preconditions of passive election law, principles of voting district creation, institute of proxy voting are noted. The procedure of voting for handicapped people and post voting for voters abroad are considered. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of introducing and functioning of single-member constituencies in the Senate elections and peculiarities of the constituencies limitation, to introduction of gender quota to the election legislation, innovations aimed to rationalize principles of electoral campaign financing.
Keywords elections, election law, Election Code of the Republic of Poland.
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