Article title The development of the civil society and the modern private law of Ukraine
Name of magazine Scientific journal «Private Law»
Issue 1 (русский язык)/2013
Сторінки [52-66]
Annotation The author examines the characteristics of the development of the civil society and the modern private law of Ukraine. General, historical, and modern private legal aspects of the problem are analyzed based on the papers by theorists of law and recognized civil law jurists. Based on the study of the characteristics of individual institutes of the civil law, their subject and method, the author suggests arguments to support the notion of civil law as an integral part of civil society, which is material for both the pecuniary and non-pecuniary spheres of human life.
Keywords civil society, private law, institutions of civil rights, the subject and method of civil rights, pecuniary and non- pecuniary sphere of human life.
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