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Article Constitutional-Legal Issues of the Citizenship of Ukraine at the Present Stage
Gorodovenko A.
Name of magazine Journal «The Student Legal Journal» (Ukrainian language)
Issue 2 / 2012
Pages 30 - 37
Annotation In this article the institute of citizenship in Ukraine, which is still developing, is analyzed. Today, many questions have not yet decided, and some of them were not even considered. Citizenship is a means of institutionalizing the principles of interaction between State and individual. The state of citizenship is the basis of the acquisition of rights and responsibilities. The State distributes its power over the citizens, both within its territory and beyond its borders. The institute of Ukrainian citizenship is one of the most important legal institutions because the norms of national legislation governing the institution, reflect the provisions of international instruments on citizenship, as well as take into account the positive experience of the legislative regulation of these issues in other states.
Keywords stateless person, dual citizenship, citizenship, citizen, alien.
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