Назва статті | Policies and Practices That Increase the Degree of Risk to Convicted Women and Cause Physical or Moral Suffering |
Автори |
PhD Doctorate, Baku State University (Baku, Azerbaijan) agamirova-djiyeva@mail.ru
Назва журналу | Юридичний журнал «Право України» (україномовна версія) |
Випуск | 10 / 2021 |
Сторінки | 211 - 221 |
Анотація | Convicted women are a special category of persons detained in places of deprivation of Liberty. They have specific social, psychological, biological and other characteristics. This requires a special approach to the study of the personality of the convicted woman, as well as to explain their behavior in a different way than with men. In this regard, it is necessary to have a full understanding of the information of prisoners when personalizing the execution of punishment in relation to women, which at first glance is inadmissible not to take into account insignificant features. When examining the personality of a woman, various methods should be used to determine these or other qualities. At the same time, there are some signs or regularities that arise from a general idea of the conviction. Of course, there are exceptions to each rule, but in any case it is possible to create a certain portrait of a condemned woman. These characteristics should be taken into account when personalizing the execution of the sentence in the form of deprivation of Liberty. However, Penitentiary practice shows that the opposite situation is observed in places of deprivation of Liberty: adult women conscientiously adhere to the regime of punishment, do not initiate conflict situations and, unlike men, do not try to be a leader among prisoners. This applies especially to older women. Therefore, when personalizing the execution of the sentence, it is necessary to take into account their potential positive side menu and stimulate as much as possible. But in correctional colonies, mature and older women are much less likely than young people. The analysis of the experiment shows that the violation of the established rules of punishment accounts for a considerable amount of young-aged convicts. This fact has long been known and has received a fairly justified explanation. Young women are at the initial stage of independent life, experiencing a complex process of penitentiary worship, as a result of which they are characterized by selfishness, indifference to people and society, indifferent attitude to the law and the punishment regime. |
Ключові слова | deprivation of Liberty; convicted women; penitentiary practice; violence; gender factors; the Committee on the Prevention of torture; monitoring teams |
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