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Назва статті Individual Criminal Responsibility of the Russian State Representatives for Their War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in Ukraine
Назва журналу Юридичний журнал «Право України» (україномовна версія)
Випуск 2 / 2024
Сторінки 15 - 38

The military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation since February 2022 has led to widespread international condemnation and close scrutiny. Among the various key aspects of this phase of the conflict, one of the most pressing legal issues is the commission of war crimes and crimes against humanity. These acts represent not only egregious violations of international law but also pose significant threats to peace, security, and the sovereignty of Ukraine, a recognized subject of international law. The need to address and delineate the legal responsibility of those guilty of committing these violations is both urgent and critical. This scholarly article aims to analyze the individual criminal responsibility of Russian state representatives for their involvement in war crimes and crimes against humanity in Ukraine. By looking at specific cases and the framework of international criminal law, the article seeks to propose realistic avenues for bringing perpetrators to justice, thereby contributing to the broader discourse on accountability and the enforcement of international legal standards. The research methodology adopted in this article is characterized by a relevant analysis of international legal instruments, jurisprudence, and some international cases. Through a brief examination of the criminal acts committed by Russian troops in Ukraine, the article leverages both qualitative and quantitative data to categorize and assess the nature of these crimes within the ambit of modern international criminal law. The article’s research elucidates the categorization of war crimes and crimes against humanity as defined by international law, providing their clear differentiation from one another. By systematically reviewing incidents since the military invasion of Ukraine, the article qualifies multiple acts by Russian forces as war crimes and crimes against humanity. Furthermore, the article provides a brief review of the individual criminal responsibility for the commission of core crimes such as war crimes and crimes against humanity and look at how it should apply to the Russian perpetrators. It concludes with a strong advocacy for the expedited identification and utilization of an appropriate judicial mechanism to address the criminal responsibility of Russian state representatives. It highlights the imperative need for swift action to prevent further impunity and ensure justice for the victims of these heinous crimes. Additionally, the article warns of the risks associated with delays in the judicial process, emphasizing the potential for prolonged suffering and instability in the region. Ultimately, it calls for a concerted international effort to uphold the principles of international law and human rights, thereby safeguarding the sovereignty and dignity of Ukraine and its people.


Ключові слова crimes against humanity; crimes under international law; individual criminal responsibility; International Criminal Court; international criminal law; Rome Statute; war crimes


Authored books

1. Ambos K, Treatise on International Criminal Law, vol II (Oxford University Press 2014).

2. Henckaerts J-M, Doswald-Beck L, Customary International Humanitarian Law (Cambridge University Press 2005).

3. Schabas W, An Introduction to the International Criminal Court (3rd ed., Cambridge University Press 2007).

4. Werle G, Jessberger F, Principles of International Criminal Law (3rd ed, Oxford University Press 2014).


Edited books

5. Atadjanov R, ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ іn Sayapin S, Atadjanov R, Kadam U, Kemp G, Zambrana-Tévar N, Quénivet N (eds), International Conflict and Security Law (T.M.C. Asser Press 2022) 1032.

6. Atadjanov R, ‘War Crimes Committed During the Armed Conflict in Ukraine: What Should the ICC Focus On?’ іn Sayapin S, Tsybulenko E (eds), The Use of Force against Ukraine and International Law (T.M.C. Asser Press 2018). DOI:


Journal articles

7. Atadjanov R, ‘Holding the Aggressor Accountable’ [2022] 25 (2) Journal of International Peacekeeping DOI:

8. Orlov Yu, ‘Zlochyny proty liudianosti v konteksti zbroinoho konfliktu v Ukraini: vyznachennia, problemy rozmezhuvannia iz sumizhnymy skladamy zlochyniv’ [2023] 88 (1) Pravo i bezpeka. DOI: 10.32631/pb.2023.1.09.

9. Timofieieva L, ‘Protydiia zlochynam proty liudianosti v 21 storichchi’ [2022] 1 (19) ScienceRise: Juridical Science.


Newspaper articles

10. Ganezer D, ‘Russian Army Executes Hundreds of Civilian Men in Bucha, Other Kyiv Suburbs. Bodies Litter the Streets with Hands Tied behind Backs’ (Santa Monica Observer, 03.04.2022) <> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

11. Goodman J, Devlin K, Korenyuk M, Cheetham J, Tauschinski J, ‘Chernihiv: Are these Russia’s weapons of war?’ (BBC News, 10.04.2022) <> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

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13. Tondo L, Koshiw I, ‘Ukraine destruction: how the Guardian documented Russia’s use of illegal weapons’ (The Guardian, 24.05.2022) < may/24/ukraine-destruction-how-the-guardian-documented-russia-use-of-weapons> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

14. Ukraine says seven killed, including a child, after Russia fired at evacuation convoy (Reuters, 12.03.2022) <> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

15. Ukrainian evacuation train was hit by debris during a Russian shelling (Ukrainefrontlines, 13.03.2022) <> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

16. Lavreniuk S, ‘Verkhovna Rada vrehuliuvala poriadok spivrobitnytstva z Mizhnarodnym kryminalnym sudom’ (Holos Ukrainy, 05.05.2022) < article/359581> (accessed: 26.02.2024) (in Ukrainian).



17. Bilkova V, Hellestveit C, Šteinerte E, ‘The Moscow Mechanism Expert Report on the Forcible Transfer and Deportation of Ukrainian Children’ (EJIL:Talk! 17.05.2023) <https://> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

18. ‘Cluster Munition Monitor 2022’ (ICBL-CMC, August 2022) <https://www.the-monitor. org/en-gb/reports/2022/cluster-munition-monitor-2022.aspx> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

19. O’Brien M, Quenivet N, ‘Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Women in the RussiaUkraine Conflict’ (EJIL:Talk!, 08.06.2022) <> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

20. Quenivet N, ‘Opinions of (Legal) Scholars on the Conflict in Ukraine’ < noellequenivet/opinions-of-legal-scholars-on-the-conflict-in-ukraine-6nitzzw3i1ttgpt5> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

21. ‘Ukraine: Humanitarian Catastrophe in Izium. The Plight of Civilians under Bombardment and Siege-like Conditions’ (Amnesty International, 22.05.2022) < en/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/EUR5053822022ENGLISH.pdf> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

22. ‘Ukraine: Russian Forces Fired on Civilian Vehicles. Civilians Killed Trying to Flee, Approaching Checkpoints’ (Human Rights Watch, 02.05.2022) < news/2022/05/02/ukraine-russian-forces-fired-civilian-vehicles> (accessed: 26.02.2024).

23. Atadjanov R, ‘Do pytannia shchodo ratyfikatsii Ukrainoiu Rymskoho statutu/K voprosu o ratyfykatsyy Ukraynoi Rym. statuta (Youtube) < watch?v=UyTB7PiGQwQ&t=201s> (accessed: 26.02.2024).


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