Article title Some Remarks on the Existence of the State
Name of magazine Legal journal «Law of Ukraine» (Ukrainian version)
Issue 1/2014
Сторінки [224-231]
Annotation The article covers approaches to understanding the nature of the state. It is noted that in a class society, the most controversial and always relevant are two categories, two concepts, two major problems, namely providing social freedom and social justice. The state of formal social freedom as well as the formal constitutional equality, but almost never — social justice are often achieved via compromises and agreements. And yet this is the inferiority of the social approach to the essence of the state since it does not explain and remove that permanent social contradiction between classes, which is inherent in class society and the state. The author concluded that the state has a dual nature: the class and general social in its practical and theoretical activities, which is based on the cultural nucleus of the society and both provides and justifies its existence. Strengthening or destruction of the cultural nucleus is a prerequisite for existence of the state.
Keywords state, essence of the state, class approach, general social approach, government, society.